Niyo Innovation and Skills is dedicated to empowering students, working professionals, universities and colleges by offering globally recognized certification courses in the domains of International Taxation, Transfer Pricing, and Sustainability. Our certifications are accredited by Global Professional bodies. They deliver substantial advantages to individual learners, boosting their market value, and empower Higher Education Institutions to provide programs that significantly enhance the market worth of their students.

Here’s what sets us apart
Multidisciplinary Approach
Global Certifications
Simulation Training
- Focus on Exam Techniques
To be the most respected firm in providing educational programs that enhance the market value of the learners
We will achieve our mission by curating educational programs that are globally respected and integrating them with regular curricula so that the market value of the learners is highly enhanced
Our Values
- Our strategic focus will be on enhancing the market value of learners at all times
- We will be led by a meritocracy
- We will be consciously diverse and inclusive
- We will adopt Sustainable Development Goals and targets as part of our business